4.5 stars for movie making quality overall, visuals, acting so far, dare I say much more understandable than the original from eons ago.
2 stars for lacking to be a complete moviegoing experience, or complete story. This is a tv miniseries sold on the big stage, no different than the miniseries from the yr 2000 that was broadcast on tv. Just updated and likely spanning 8 to 9 years this time if it ever finishes.
That's not what I go to a theatre for. Movies are supposed to be complete pieces of work to some extent. If you want to leave a tiny string open among many that were wrapped at movie end, in case of future sequels, fine. But this sucker stops like it hit a brick wall in the story. As if it was made for TV and reconvening next Wednesday, not next millenia. It would be as if JC's Avatar had ended the moment the lead actor first jogged in his avatar, then we were forced to wait 2.75 years for part 2 where he get to know the species, trains and learns to fly wicked birds, then it stops again and we wait more years until part 3 is available with the final battles and ending. That's the scenario here with this Dune miniseries that just dropped part 1 in a bottle and threw it out to sea. When the eff part 2 will land on our shores, please tell my grandchildren once I'm gone.
I want my money back so I can invest it for 9 years and then come back when the story has all been released to watch it whole.