Islam is a beautiful religion of peace, kindness, wisdom, freedom, loyalty, and it should have NO ROOM FOR OPPRESSION, especially in the twenty first century.
As a liberal Muslim woman, I attest that this beautiful piece of art most certainly doesn't deserve such a low score of 2.4 on Google reviews. Then I scroll through the comments and, unsurprisingly, see dozens of negative comments from both Muslim men and women. While men's bitter comments don't surprise, the negativity from Muslim women is deeply saddening.
In traditional Muslim families, men most surely greatly benefit from the ways patriarchy treats them. It puts them on a pedestal JUST because of their gender (again, in traditional Muslim families only). Those men don't want to loose their status quo, all while this movie most surely questions it, hence men's abundant hatred towards this movie.
While we understand where the hate of traditional Muslim men stems from, we need to understand the roots of hatred that conservative Muslim women spread in the comments. This comment thread is a pure unfiltered evidence of how deeply internalized the oppression of traditional Muslim women is, even nowadays. Those women defend the ways traditional Muslim culture treats them. They see a brave Muslim woman ending oppressive marriage as an act of a villainous influence of the "Western Culture" same as the entitlement of a young Muslim woman to have a choice to not enter an arranged marriage or to not wear a hijab.
In Islam, not wearing a hijab does not make any woman any less of a Muslim. Referring to the experts in the field, a prominent female Islamic scholar Sedigheh Vasmaghi states that there is no evidence in the Quran stating that women covering their head is mandatory in Islam. Furthermore, there is no evidence of women being harassed or punished for not covering their hair and body during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW). With that being said, those who scream in the comments that "to be a true Muslim, a woman MUST wear a hijab", can you show me a line from the Quran stating that the hijab is mandatory? I'll save you several months, THERE IS NO LINE STATING THAT HIJAB IS MANDATORY! Women as well as men are expected to dress MODESTLY. But, because of the centuries long oppression, those wise words suggesting everyone to dress modestly have turned into an obligatory dress code for WOMEN only. If dressing modestly had been interpreted as a full head and body coverage, then why no such a requirement for men??? Just think about this.
All in all, it is too devastating seeing those women take their anger at this movie while deep inside they deservingly are mad at the unfair distribution of the status quo that traditional Muslim men hold. Some may be mad at themselves because they can't admit they are afraid do something to END their oppression. This endless cycle of oppression is incredibly difficult to exit out of. As with any problem, and oppression is a problem, the first step is admitting that the problem exists. Everyone is surely entitled to their choice. However, not everyone would get all their facts straight before making an informed decision, and this refers to literally everything.
Again, Islam is a beautiful religion of peace, kindness, wisdom, loyalty, and freedom, and it should have NO ROOM FOR OPPRESSION, especially in the twenty first century.