I watched this show as a kid, and for many many years afterwards, had a very vague remembrance of it, as well as a very vague remembrance of it's host, always wondering what exact show it was. It took me actually decades, as well as a little bit of luck to finally find out. Trying to figure it out, I'd often try to describe the show to people to the best of my vague memory, but no one ever knew what show I was talking about. I remembered the general look of the man who hosted the show (though not well enough to successfully describe him to anyone), and remembered him at some point during each episode being surrounded by some sort of graphic. It also seemed to me that the show might have been about animals, but my memory was just too vague to be certain. Finally one day while looking through the cast of characters on a show I was watching on Xfinity, Hal Linden caught my eye. Right off, he looked extremely familiar to me, and after pondering for a couple of seconds, I came to suspect that this was the man I had been remembering all of this time. In an attempt to confirm this, I looked up his filmography. While going through the list, I immediately received the confirmation I had been seeking when I seen him credited as the host of the animal show "Animals Animals Animals". It took so long that I had almost come to accept the fact that I would never actually end up solving this mystery, but seeing his face that day by pure chance, led to my ultimate elation.
Although, even to this day, I remember almost nothing about the show, I do remember enjoying it as a kid. does anyone by chance know if there's a way I can purchase this series, or of another way of acquiring it... Just for the sake of nostalgia?