I've heard this movie be referred to as "Mediocre Man," and I couldn't agree more. What a waste of potential.
The trailer really sold this movie. Colorful, stylistic, action-packed, I was super stoked to see it -- But the movie itself really didn't live up to the trailer. Action scenes were spread out way too much and the only thing as shaky as the camera was the pacing of the story, moving really fast at some points and draaaaaagging on during others to the point of boredom. Speaking of the camera, I've heard people talk about how the shaky cam is a directorial choice, having the camera be shaky while the main character Kid is inexperienced and gradually becoming more steady as he grows in strength. Okay, cool, but fun fact: People still hate shaky cam.
And then there's the political subtext that's as subtle as a sledgehammer. At that point the movie really comes off as preachy and takes itself far too seriously to the point of being pretentious.
Not everything about this movie was bad, some of the action sequences were quite good... But they were hampered by everything else and at the end of this day this movie wound up being a huge disappointment, wasting my time, money and anticipation.
Everyone acting like this movie is the second coming of Jesus really needs to calm down.