This is a deep look, and a very hard reflection of today's society, the impacts of social media both good and bad, the stigma of mental health, and poverty in one of America's most wealthy states. The creep factor of this true crime story is high, but in the end it will leave you haunted, and in deep thought. This documentary gives you a quick look in to a hotel that through-out history has left a negative impact on most everyone who walked through it's doors. This documentary has many parts to analyze. People who take it at face value, are not thinking through the journey that the director take us through. The audience is meant to be left with the same information as the sleuths online, and how society judges people, and draws conclusions, how conspiracy theories develop easily with a vulnerable online audience. The Cecil Hotel is a character in this story. A grand hotel at face value, but beyond the glorious lobby lies a vortex of hell, 1,000's of stories of grief and horror, in a state filled with the wealthiest people in the world. This story is only one story, and is only the tip of the iceberg of the Cecil Hotel. This documentary will make you think about what it means to be lost in a world where people ignore the less fortunate, and how far removed and numb we have become to others who suffer before our eyes.