"The Thracian", "The Bringer of Rain", "The Slayer of Theokoles", "The Slayer of The Shadow of Death"......
I find this show fantastic, marvelous , Masterpiece carved with creativity of Blood , Lust , Hunger , Love , Emotions , Betrayal , Anger ..... Action , Inspiration...
Lot of violence and bloodshed but it really happened like that. Its a true story. I appreciate all the actors for giving their best performances in the show. Its an inspiration watching Spartacus rise a legend along with his brothers. 👒👌
R.I.P Andy Whitfield. I wish you would have finished s3, s4 with your life but Gods did not favor that to happen. You are a true Spartacus. A Hero and a legend even in death... Your acting is a perfect portrayal of a Gladiator. 👒👌
All the other actors did a fantastic job too. Batiatus - cunning fox king, Crixus champion of capua Beast, Solonius, Sixths, Sepius, Sepia , Lucretia - Serpent, Ithiya the cunning fox queen, Doctore Oenemouas , Glabber Roman General, Gannicus , Mira , Ashur I hated you.... Not as an actor but as Ashur. I will give it 5 on 5 rating. I miss Andy Whitfield. The events really happened and Hollywood perfectly captured and portrayed, played Spartacus in front of us. 👒👌