When this game is running it is highly-addictive and beautiful to play - The combat is seamless and intensity puts one at the end of their seats in cold sweats! Load times are very bad though and sometimes (not often though) I feel lag and rubber-banding. My system is not the best for this game but I can run on "ultra" settings but prefer the med/high settings. Wanna speed up load times? get an SSD drive and run an i9 processor (or equivalent). Can be ran on an Nvidia Geforce 1660ti for a smoother game-play.
3/5 is best I can give for this game until 2.0 is released due to 3 issues: load time, crashes and lack of endgame content. Fix those and we have the game that was pitched to us - Let's see how 2.0 fares because like I said, when it runs I feel fully immersed and want to keep playing until my eyes burn lol!