I just found this show recently, it was eye opening to say the least! The attitude of the Sheriff was so wrong, of course the boys were able to move on, they weren’t raped, the girls were! I’m 61 years old, my rape when i was about to turn 15, has affected me my whole life! As a Dad to daughter’s, i find it disturbing that he couldn’t realize what is does to a young woman, you lose your self respect, confidence & you become terrified at every sound or movement, you sleep with the lights on & yet you pretend your strong as hell because you grow up, have children of your own & want to be in control of everything because you once lost control of your own body.. i know there are good men out there.. as i said before, i’m 61 now, i don’t know a woman who hasn’t been raped, harassed sexually, dealt with being groped because they had to make a living.. it’s about human decency! We don’t all walk around with a gun or a badge, but we deserve leadership in law enforcement who cam remind themselves they have daughters, a wife, a Mom who doesn’t deserve to ever feel as feel like the survivors of rape!