Terrifier 3 captures pure and concentrated evil. You can tell that the creators of it deliberately try to traumatize their audience (and they succeed) through shocking gore and sadism but also through juxtaposing it with warm and beckoning feelings of nostalgia. The movie really wants to make you feel emotional pain on top of everything else. I've noticed a trend in the last 2 movies; a character will be brutally murdered and a loved one will see the aftermath. It almost feels exhibitionistic in that way. The lack of care, outright disrespect and disregard for the body of the possessed is pure evil as well. Never is there a dull moment, it's engaging all the way through. The acting is fantastic, Lauren LaVera is very lovable and you really root for her. She's been through so much. Art is great and Victoria is 100% nightmare fuel. The effects are also phenomenal. Check it out, but have an appointment with your shrink booked before hand.