Jabari Banks is a star!!!! A blackboy who is in touch with his feelings and has no fear of expressing his hurt and pain intelligently AND with tears... stole my heart!!!
He reminds me of my son, trying to make his way in this world. Raising a Prince is hard work! It TAKES A VILLIAGE!
PERFECT PRODUCER!!! Will Smith. You the man! You are a true Geni- Aladin!! you pulled the rabbit out of the hat. Your blue geni is my favorite character of yours... then Hitch! I digress... Back to Bel Air!
To the DIRECTOR Morgan Cooper: Lighting is flawless!!! Love the jailhouse scene which is basically shot in black-and-white with spots of Color splashed on the bars and on 1 or 2 costumes on the side- enough to pop. Loved it. Plus camera angle on the Bad Guy snd Will dripping tears... Spot on!!! Oh and end of episode 3 with the Bad Guy's puff of smoke blowing on the phone... Sweetness.
Also LOVE the ARTwork displayed in the mansion and throughout the series .
COSTUMES: The attention to detail including the gold cufflinks that Will wore in 1st scene with his suit and darling white shirt with the faux suspender on one shoulder (PERFECT FIT AND CUT) loves it!! Then of course the inside of the school uniform oh my goodness delicious.
Big shout out to rest of the cast. Will mother and aunt- yummy! As well as his "new dad" Uncle Phil- perfect mentor of a man's man! and his new siblings... love to hate Carlton. Hillary is perfection! love her clothes, figure and "Black Girls Rock" attitude. Only wish Ashley got more FaceTime. Oh also shout out to Jeffrey- love his part butler/part Uncle Phil's brother vibe. And Jazz is a cherry on top as Will's new best friend.