Brilliant movie that deserves recognition. The film focuses on mental health, poverty, racism, physical/sexual abuse and so much more! The woman was in an abusive relationship living in poverty and couldn’t afford her bills and was no longer doing well at work (all this is shown at the beginning). She leaves her children and abusive partner because she can’t cope anymore and wants more out of life, sets up a new life believing that a better life is achieved by living among white wealthy people in a middle class area. She erased everything to do with black culture and past.
When she left the aunt gave the children away, they went to an orphanage. The son was sectioned and the daughter was abused by ‘meanies. The mum son and daughter clearly have mental health issues from traumas. The daughter has child like tendencies probably due to her childhood abuse hence why she watches cartoons and has a teddy on her shoulder. Also the son has a red hat, the daughter has red gloves and at the end the mom leaves with a red jacket they are ‘the strays’. Watch the film and read between the lines, theres so many subliminal messages.
Those who have an open mind and have lived experiences will understand how brilliant this film is. Loved it!