With Word Party and Math Party we have noticed my daughter interacts with the characters and comes away actually learning many things. At 12 months she was well over 60 words and now at 18 months she is singing and speaking sentences. She absolutely loves this show and is also easier on the ears as a parent having it repeated so often haha.
The introduction of basic mandarin along side comprehensive english is spectacular, the growing mind of child is fascinating. They
obviously did their science backed research because exposure at this age will make it so much easier for her to learn any of the asian languages later due to word formation in the mouth and sound recognition. It will not confuse children just add to their abilities. Not to mention socially it teaches that language barriers are common and normal and is no reflection on intelligence. Since this is a national show choosing a language we are ALL exposed to is considerate not to mention it is one of the top languages next to English that we are exposed to all around the world.
She can count and understands opposites just to name a few. It's a much slower pace and teaches social skills too.
The graffics were also very smart leaving the most stimulating aspects the words and lessons being taught. The show doesn't hype up my daughter like the rest and seems to be using the contrast concept for the younger babies and keeping the older ones focused.
The characters different personalities was also well thought out as in life we are exposed to a vast variety of them, acceptance and understanding is a valuable skill to learn.
We highly recommend this show.
Haha we would LOVE more seasons