LOVE the show but I am quite dissapointend with Shirley and Motzi's choices when hamza and Jowita performed in week 10. I wish they could see this because their decision was inconsiderate and dissapointing. They need to remember they aren't rating the professional (jowita) but hamza. Hamza did nothing during that dance but tread water 🙄🙄 my mum and I are infuriated we want justice. WE ARE ALSO ESPECIALLY ANGRY WHEN TYLER AND HIS PARTNER LEFT DURING WEEK 9 THEY WERE FAR BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE DOING YOUR JOB INSTEAD YOU GUYS LOOK CRAZY. TELL THE AUDIENCE TO STOP BOOING CRAIG HE ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUTH HE SHOULD BE HEAD JUDGE NOT YOU SHIRLEY. SEEK HELP XOXO