The game itself is really fun. I love sailing the sea, taking on forts for the loot, and having fun with friends. My only complaint is the PVP. That is what I really don't like. I run a sloop by myself a lot because I want to gain treasure and gain experience. I don't like having to constantly look over my shoulder for campers and player killers.
These type of people kill the game for me. Because I work hard to earn the treasure and loot only to have these type of people take it all away. I have e friends that I play the game with and even they agree that a PVE mode or a choice for enabling or disabling PVP would make the experience better. We love taking on the forts and feeling g a sense of accomplishment when we take down a fort. We believe that the treasure we get from the forts should not be allowed to be taken from us be cause campers don't want to waste their energy taking in a fort. For these reasons I cannot give this game a five star. I will continue to play but not as often until a PVE mode is made or a PVP choice is added.