If you're looking for the space version of a bad teen CW show acted by adults, with a focus on badly contrived drama and no actual science or space fun this is it.
Before I start talking about the cons, I will say the actors are great, unfortunately, that means absolutely squat considering the script they're being made to read.
As for everything else:
The writing is just insanely awful. Nothing that happens on the ship is realistic or believable. It's not even bad in a fun/cheesy way. The show starts out with the most important space mission of all time being manned by a crew of heavily psychologically unfit people who act like children. The main leader has never even interacted with them. The leadership in general has absolutely no idea how to lead and the writing has them mess with the crew's heads and break unity for no reason except drama.
I'm also fairly convinced that Michelle was meant to be on Big Brother, and her actor accidentally wandered onto the wrong set. It gets far far worse in terms of mindblowingly stupid but I can't share that without spoilers.
If you like unrealistic dramas, you may like it. If you're looking for a decent SciFi to binge, this is not for you.