DON’T HAVE YOUR KIDS WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!! This movie was a complete waste of my precious time in my life! I can write 5 pages of every detail about how bad this movie is but I’m not going to. The movie is so mixed up with lots of confusion. The teens crashed and the one sitting in the passenger seat flew through the windshield and somehow was able to hold on the grille! And this horrible movie was so dirt cheap that they had very bad graphics to the point you can tell it’s complete fake. They couldn’t afford to have random people in LA pretending to evacuate LA during the earthquake and the acting is so bad. And last of all, how is this movie rated PG?! It contained a scene where a teen was being sexually assaulted and then another scene where teens were having sex!!!!!!! What?! This movie is a complete dumpster fire. Don’t waste your time