One of the latest anime I've seen and its the best I've ever seen. I loved series like Death Note and Monster, and Aot was a recommended, friends recommended it as well. After watching, YOU MUST SEE THIS SHOW. Not only is it my favorite anime but probs one of my favorite pieces of fiction yet. The story starts simple but gets much more complex and better throughout here's the full rating below.
Introduction/Start: 5/5, Great, you get introduced to main trio, and you are left curious and disturbed by the first episode, you want to keep watching from the suspense. A good start to the show and hooks people in.
Plot: 5/5 Every major character gets a story to them, the events make sense, you can follow everything even though its complex. Its a super unique story that greatly relates to our day and age.
Pacing: 4/5 The biggest issue for me with the series, while not bad, the 4th season is what made things confusing, its almost as if everything got introduced too fast, but you catch on.
Characters: 5/5 The highlight of the series for me, each character even side, have genuine motivations and few characters are actually unlikeable even if they are "Villains"
Development: 4.5/5 things are developed well, only a few things don't make sense at first but its fixed fast.
Emotional impact: 5/5, this series is hard on you, its cruel, dark, and gripping, I've never truly been invested in a series until this.
Animation/Voiceing: 5/5, very good animation and Dub/sub, no issues.
Complexity:5/5 very complex show and everything is explained luckily.
Ending: 5/5, despite what most complain about the ending was good and followed the idea and theme of the show greatly, your on the edge of your the seat the whole way through.
Overall its a 5/5 for me, the pacing is the only issue with the show for me, and its not even bad by any means, its only a couple of episodes were you are confused. Overall peak, watch it and enjoy it, you won't experience a watch like it ever again.