Agent Carter was awesome!
I LOVED the first season! However, the second season is a different story.
The first season is a tiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit confusing, but I LOVED it. LOVED. The plot, the characters, the villains, EVERYTHING! In it, Peggy, working for the SSR in 1946, is still coping with Steve's "death" when Howard Stark asks her to become a double-agent. His inventions are being stolen and sold on the black market, and Howard is being accused of the damage done. Peggy has to help Howard AND make sure no one in the SSR knows what she is doing. But as conspiracies are unmasked, it's hard to know whom to trust, as trusting the wrong person could hurt many. Peggy is really a hero at the end of the show, when she *******SPOILER ALERT*******. I loved how she learned that she can't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she needs friends to help her. 5/5 stars.
The second season was...meh. It was REALLY confusing. I feel like since Peggy already learned her lesson in the first season, there wasn't much room for change in this one. I couldn't really take Whitney Frost seriously as a villain. And the romances were...ew. I hated the relationships with Sousa and Wilkes. Like, when Wilkes asks her out, she literally says "no" and next thing you know they're on a date. And they kiss. So. Many. Times. When they have known each other for a day. 😐 And...of all people, SOUSA??????? I ACTUALLY SHIPPED SOUSA AND VIOLET. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BREAK UP? WHY DID SOUSA HAVE TO HAVE THAT STUPID, UNNECESSARY CRUSH ON PEGGY? WHY DID PEGGY AND SOUSA HAVE TO GET TOGETHER AT THE END? WHY????? 🤮 Peggy is Steve's. Not Sousa's. Not Wilkes's. STEVE'S. And the end of Endgame made that possible.
Anyway, the second season is about Peggy going to California in 1947 to help Chief Daniel Sousa, who is understaffed, solve a mystery about a lady who was frozen in ice on the hottest day of the year. They learn that she wasn't frozen, she was killed by a substance called zero matter. So they try and find out who killed her (I think?) and they cross paths with Calvin Chadwick, who is running for state senator, and his movie star wife Whitney Frost. Later, when Dr. Wilkes is trying to bring zero matter for Peggy to study, Whitney Frost tries to steal it but infuses herself with it instead. It gives her crazy powers, like if she touches someone she instantly kills them. So Peggy and her friends have to stop her, AND not get killed by Chief/Agent Thompson.
I didn't really understand the part when they were in the desert and Thompson tries to shoot everyone. And why exactly did he try to kill Peggy, and then in a split second decide to change his mind and help her?? Uhhhhh...
Other than the awful parts of season 2, it was a really fun show to watch. I loved the mysteries they had to solve.