About 10hrs in, and I'll say the same as everyone else: don't buy this game, period. Theres nothing new being added to the insane pool of rpg shooters and this activity hurts the potential of the genre as a whole.
Overhyped, overfunded, and horribly underdeveloped. This one is riddled with fps drops, bugs crashing, and 0 optimization. Its flawed at it's core, and recycles the same unintuitive UI and control scheme that they implemented in W3.
Even ignoring all of the technical issues, the writing, detail, and actual care that used to go into making games is just as dead to CDPR as it is to Ubisoft. The dissonance between the setting, NPCs, MC, and conflicts is jarring at best. All you've really paid for is a saints row without the easter eggs, but even the characters in SR felt like homies.
Nothing connects between anything or anyone else, and you will frequently be reminded that you're time sinking a task simulator on an electric rail where nothing you do actually matters.
Play BL2 and pray for a better cyberpunk game in the future.