WARNING: major spoiler alerts in this review!
It’s great to see that a major gaming franchise has finally made it as a TV series. To those who are a fan of the gaming series, I highly suggest watching this series. There is a lot of familiar characters from the game as well as a lot of familiar weapons, vehicles and enemies. It doesn’t exactly follow the same storyline as the game, but let’s just say it’s somewhat similar to a point where you can still enjoy the series and relate to the game. While the first episode is filled with a lot of action, I believe that the story of the actual series started off at a rough patch. For starters, I wish they use the original voice of master chief from the game in the series. It was a little disappointing not being able to hear the original Master Chief voice from the game. If you’ve read all the other reviews, then you must know that in the first episode, you have the pleasure of seeing the face of master chief. After Lord knows how many games of halo, we finally see the face of master chief. While it was a great experience to see master chiefs face, it was sort of disappointing as well because the whole mystery vibe that came from the master chief was that we could put any face on the main character. But now that we have a face for the protagonist, it’s sort of dulls the whole vibe. I definitely am excited to see the next couple of episodes. Oddly enough, I hope he doesn’t takeoff that helmet too much in the show.