This series was just...I almost can't find the words. It was disturbing and very difficult to watch at most parts. The series was all over the place and there was no connection with some of the things that happened to others. Many things that happened to black folks were true but to see how graphic the writers did this was too far. Seeing black folks getting killed like that is just insane.Then the black folks being haunted and tortured and going insane just to hurt themselves was even worse. There was no lesson, no silver lining, nothing where black folks triumphed. How they attempted to make the connection to how or why the black families were going insane just didn't come together for me. It was again just a bunch or random and unexplained mess with unnecessary characters that we did not need to see. The white neighbor story line was just not even necessary at all and the milk man because it added no connection to why these black families are going through what they were going through. Seems like everything was thrown into this movie and they couldn't decide whether they wanted to do a horror or a history paper so the combined them all to just show black people get tortured and go insane and then the next black family goes through the same thing. Very disappointed. A fail if they were trying to mimic Jordan Peele.