It really isn't that bad. People are just jumping on the band wagon to bad mouth this game. Maybe I've had a different experience. I just got it last week (month late) played it about a week. Yesterday I experienced my first bug. Game crashed. That's it. Haven't seen a graphical glitch, guns haven't done anything weird. Haven't taken random damage. Everything seems to work just fine.
The gameplay is a little corny. More cartoony mechanics than previous games. Example, if you run over a fire hydrant it launches your car. Thought it was weird. But accepted it for the Looney toons like gameplay it is.
Maybe because I'm running on the Xbox X it doesn't have as many issues.
But from my weeks of play I've experienced one bug, and lots of laughs. This game is funny as hell, the combat is fun, the execution moves are hilarious. The amount of customization is honestly overwhelming. It only seems like this game is jammed packed with content and has nothing but potential and room to grow.
I truly think a lot of people are just bad mouthing this game just to get an upvote or two on their comments.
This really isn't that big of a mess of a game.
Yes annoying companies keep putting out unfinished games at full price. But do you all really have to blacklist this title?
From the week I've played it, I've had a lot more fun than annoyance.
I'd say give it a try. Look on they're website, shows. Nothing but constant updates. They're trying to make it enjoyable and playable. In my opinion, it is. Don't trust every seething mouth breather comment out there. Not all of them are the best opinions to stick by.
Try it yourself, form your own opinion.
It really isn't that bad.