The story, graphics, music and atmosphere may be very well done, but the game is borderline unplayable. Between memory leaks that lock peoples GPU’s, to server outages, to short-sighted and small-minded patches; the development team on Diablo 4 is one of the worst. Blizzard used to be known for having incredibly smooth games, the movement felt so clean. Not anymore. The movement is clunky, there’s times my character attacks in a direction I didn’t even select, times he can’t even attack because he’s too close to an enemy or a wall. The “bugs,” in this game are what you’d see from an Alpha. Yet here we are, a month into official release. You can tell Blizzard is lazy. They take no accountability either. It’s either a DDoS attack, or your systems problems, your drivers, you, you, you. Never themselves. It’s disgusting ethics, and still the consumers support this garbage. It’ll take years for Blizzard to make this game playable because they didn’t work on any of the internals until post-launch. Spent all that time making the game look pretty and sound pretty, and that shows, but the gameplay, the decision making, it’s what you’d expect from a toddler or inexperienced spoiled rich kid. Here’s an example: there’s no trading in this game, there’s no way to see other people’s inventory, only their equipped items. Yet in true Blizzard logic, they make every player load every other players inventory that they’ll never see. The amount of lag this produces is astronomical, for what purpose? You can’t do anything with this data, because you can’t even see it or interact with it. It’s useless and only serves to slow people down, which is also reflected in the patch updates this developer pushes out. One of the dumbest decisions ever made in gaming history. But why should anyone be surprised? The company is being sold to Microsoft, so they just needed to produce a lot of hype to look more successful than they are, and then sellout like the scum bags they truly are. Hence, Diablo IV. Microsoft paying more than double what they should.