I can’t understand why people are being so hard on this movie. As a longtime ghostbuster fan, I thought that was film was everything I expected and more. This is especially big coming from me who has HATED terrible reboots of beloved franchises (ahem, Star Wars) and super ready to get mad. I also should say that I DID NOT like Afterlife yet somehow this movie convinced me otherwise.
In the lead up to this movie, I ran through each movie in the series twice, and I think this one is perfectly fine (about as good as Ghostbusters 2 was as a sequel to Ghostbusters 1.) Total blast to see live and buy a ghostbusters popcorn bucket for lol. I should also say *controversial* that this one felt way more true to the original ghostbusters movies than Afterlife. This one was funnier and more entertaining, albeit a little bit less busting.
I found the build up to the finale of this movie to be awesome. Total fan service the whole way through and added so much cool ghostbuster universe expansion (especially the whole new engineering department.) I dont know if we’ve ever seen that much of the firehouse or different suits+proton packs. The movie added a brand new fresh coat of paint to the ghostbusters which was much needed.
I TOTALLY wish there was more Bill Murray, but we were given so so many Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson moments that I feel fine with the end product. I have a feeling that this probably had something to do with Bill Murray just being Bill Murray and not really wanting to do this movie TOO badly. He loves the Ghostbusters films, but has gone on record about being hesitant to do more of them (even the sequel to the original one.) I can see him sort of wanting to do this film for fun so he did a little cameo here and there, but not really wanting to play TOO big of a role.
(TL:DR, Bill Murray probably didn’t want to be in the film too much so it’s not the writers’ faults.)
Another issue with the film was the ending fell totally flat. The build up was insane, the lore was insane, and I was totally hyped to see the final battle. In the end, however, it literally lasted like 3 minutes and they basically just won with the power of friendship. At the end of the day, to me at least, this has been the same issue that’s plagued every ghostbuster movie final battle, where the pay off never really lives up to what we expect (I think this is where Afterlife excelled, however)
Overall, 4/5 stars. Fight me. Bite Me.