With previous movies like Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, and Cinderalla Man, I wish I could tell you Rusell Crowes career was still high caliber, but in slow decline. Nope, simular to Nick Cage, its in complete free fall, to the equivalent of jumping out of a plane at 10000 feet without a parachute. Guessing his next career move is porn. I will say porn would probably be more entertaining than this agenda filled lump of Donkey dung I went and saw last night. I have never walked out of a movie and asked for my money back, but I should have last night. The popcorn kept me in the seat.
Side note- I would love to see some movies with Crowe and Cage together. Guessing you could pick them up at bargain prices. Another thing I don't understand, I think Crowe also owns a Rugby team, so you would think he would have free access to gym facilities.