I felt it left a lot of unanswered questions. Definitely not the best sequel I have ever seen. Not by a long shot. The first one was good and left you wanting more. The second left me thinking here we go. Part 3 coming its going to be a series. Where did the creatures come from? Why? They just appeared out of a fire in the sky one day. How come the man could wear shoes with no problems, but the family was bare footed?? How the heck were the creatures all of a sudden on the island? Hiding in the boat? They don't really die from the sound, you still have to kill them. They hunt by sound. So why does that sound bother them? Does the family reunite? Did everyone else on island die? I think it could have been written better than it was.I was left totally unsatisfied at the end. Actors were good they get four stars but I think the script should have gone into way more detail than it did. I think maybe I will watch it again to see if I can get more clarity on the film.