When I saw this, I was genuinely hyped up to play. But then... Was disappointed.
There are a few main reasons I’m starting to hate this game.
Nintendo has some balancing issues almost all the time, but this just looks sloppy. Some weapons are absolutely garbage and some are “Who signed this off?” OP. Knowing Nintendo, they’re not gonna nerf or buff anything (*cough cough* Ippon Katana needs to be stronger, Sk8 hammer and Trick ball need to be nerfed hardcore)
2. Unlike Fortnite (Which it sorta claims to be like) You can’t party up with friends to go into team battles together. I find this very annoying because I don’t want to be solo queuing every time I play team battle, it gets annoying after awhile.
3. SBM
I don’t want to be facing Lvl 60s in casuals when I’m a level 1 (This is hypothetical). How am I ever going to win?
4. The After Points (Drone and Ippon Master)
Its a good concept, but with 1 major flaw. If there’s a tie, both players get the FULL amount of points, which is problematic, cause it potentially makes catching up impossible. And it can completely ruin a team battle, say, all four members of a team get ippon master. That team gets 4000 points. That’s ridiculous.
Either you create a tie breaker, or split up the points.
5. Dodging
Consecutive damage is way to easy, and dodging is almost impossible. It makes the game infuriating, because you know if you get hit and you’re in air, you’re basically dead.
6. Poor Definitions
It’s hard to determine if what you’re doing is going to be an Ippon or not. You define it as a super move finish, but what do you mean by that.
Overall, It’s poorly executed. It needs to be balanced, and this is definitely not a Splatoon X Fortnite.
No where near that.