Maybe I’m confused.... I was in the army for 12 years. I don’t doubt these sailor’s expertise. Yet I’m just trying to figure out while in the movie, they spend so much effort on getting the verbiage and rank correct (jobs, relieving of duty, call signs...) yet they calculated azimuth’s through sonar on the nose. They calculated back azimuth’s on the nose (literally tom hanks looking through a pair of binoculars or a window, no mention of calculations just knew it). Yet when firing down range, the men couldn’t shoot for anything. They were so far off. The “depth charges” went off immediately on film. So why not just let them loose when the target is right there. Why fire them when the target is “indefinitely” as for a prior military looking on, it’s a disgrace. Especially for Tom hanks whom has done so much for the military community. I just don’t get it. Maybe you could shed some light?