First things first. I LOVE a good post-apocalyptic film.
This is not one of them.
A post-apocalyptic world has to have internal logic. If "X" happens, then life looks like "Y". So if some world-wide biological event occurs that creates monsters who are decimating the human race, leaving only handful of isolated people, modern amenities like access to services and supply chains is not a thing.
If you are trying to survive, how important is keep your hair freshly washed with limited access to water and shampoo that will have a finite supply? Or shave everyday with razors that can't be replaced? It's that pesky internal logic.
So when production design undermines the logic of the film, it takes you out of the moment. Well, at least me. But I'm in TV production, so I pay attention to the choices the producers and directors make.
Why do the key characters have professional haircuts? Why do the teens in this film have perfect straight white teeth without any help from dentist/orthodontists? And while there were lazy attempts to make it look like some clothing had wear and tear (placing a few pieces of duck tape on a a couple of jackets) for the most part, the clothing of the characters were well maintained. I couldn't help but notice the neighbouring mother had a gleaming white turtleneck that looked like it was taken right off the rack of your local GAP store and worn for the first time. No evidence of over 15 years of struggling for survival there.
And if ammunition is not replaceable in this post-apocalyptic world, why waste it on teaching a teen a "lesson" for simply taking some medicine to aid his injured father? Why not give a good beating instead, if a lesson is deemed necessary? Aren't the bullets best served to defend your life when attacked by the monsters?
Speaking of attacking, there's no explanation as to why the monsters try to kill people but leave the livestock untouched. If they are like human/wolf hybrid with mutant aspects roaming the countryside on the prowl, why do sheep get a free pass?
If you just want a mindless watch, maybe this film will serve that purpose. But don't expect much more.