I had minimal expectations of this movie I didn't know one actor or anyone associated with it.
This is one of the most beautiful little movies I've ever seen.
If you are willing to take your time and go on the journey you will be rewarded.
The pace is on the slower side but I enjoyed that the story felt organic and I don't think it needed to rush.
This is a movie about addiction,loss,perseverance and ultimately love.
The cinematography was more than anything I expected.
I genuinely cared what happened to these individuals and the dog is beautiful but not the focal point of the story.
This movie is far superior to the Channing Tatum Dog movie and I hope people give it their time.
It's not as heavy as it sounds and there are moments of unexpected humor which I really felt balanced the gravity of the situation.
I noticed three of the reviews for this movie are for a different movie.
This movie does not have Laura dern and it's unfortunate and I hope that doesn't deter people from watching it.
There must be some confusion somewhere but this movie gets 100% on rotten tomatoes and deserving so.