I was forced to watch this wretched show at 4 in the morning while I sat in intake at a mental hospital wearing paper scrubs and averting my eyes from the creepy man who kept shuffling to and fro about the room.
Not only are the visuals disgusting and un-American, the storyline is rushed, lacking quality, love, care, and thought, with jokes that are targeted towards no one, since I cannot imagine a child, a teenager, a young adult, an adult, or a senior citizen laughing at any of them. Who are they for? No one, they just aren't funny.
Whoever writes this show should quietly honorably retire from their screenwriting career. I almost said they should settle for teaching middle school drama class, but even that is far too generous. This person belongs in an office helping people file their taxes, occasionally doodling vulgar drawings on the edges of their paperwork.
That is all