Swing and a miss. A noble effort that ultimately misses the mark. First, there is no boot camp or anything similar, so you are just thrown into the fire, which can be incredibly frustrating at first. In order for the game to work you need an overall commander, and each unit needs a good officer to coordinate and direct efforts toward a a common goal. Unfortunately, you rarely get either so you end up with 100 people running around aimlessly doing their own thing with very little communication. And speaking of running....be prepared to do a lot. Especially, if you have poor leaders don’t place spawn points regularly. If that’s the case, you will spawn far away from the action, spend 5 minutes running to the action, promptly get shot and die, then respawn and repeat the process. Another frustrating aspect of the game are the tanks. Each team is limited to a certain number of anti tank personnel, so just like in real life, a single tank can chew ups several units in a matter of minutes. Realistic, yes, but it doesn’t make for a very fun game. And again, anti-tank guns, artillery, and air support can only be called in by the leaders you will likely be lacking. The graphics are flat out gorgeous and the game runs great. The player animations are a bit stiff but overall are pretty impressive. If you have a group of friends who can work together the game will be pretty satisfying, but jumping into a random server with random players, and virtually no leadership, will probably leave you frustrated and wondering what could’ve been.