EA are corrupt.
You win online games based on the mood of the AI as it programs games to result in a predetermined outcome. Especially in FUT, the scripting is so obvious that you see it unfold in-game. Misplaced passes, unwarranted errors, needless fouls (especially in your 18 yard box), defenders who act as mere placeholders rather than actually defending. No matter which custom tactic you use or formation you play or how high your team’s chemistry is, you’ll find that your players, especially defenders, will be out of position and all over the place except where you would want them to be or defend. You can toil on end to progress to the next division but the AI’s scripting won’t allow it. Odd stuffs happen during games that you are the clear winner that will amaze and leave you in bemusement. The game is completely broken and scripted to the extent that instead of enjoying something you’ve paid for, it rather stresses the hell out of you. Shame on you EA.