I read this book that runs into 500 odd pages with a sort of breathless eagerness. To the author's credit, the language, the way the book is structured, topics included, all makes for a gripping read. Especially for someone who has seen Mumbai in brief snatches, either on the silver screen or during vacations to Mumbai, en route to Goa.
The book has pages devoted to everything one would associate with Mumbai. The underworld, the bar dancers, the inhabitants of tinsel town, wealthy diamond merchants, super cops, the mumbai local, the youngster from the Hindi heartland for whom Mumbai is a muse fuelling his literary pursuits, all make an appearance and stay with you for long enough to satiate your curiosity about their lives and lives they affect. The reader is brought up close and personal with these characters as each of them tells you their story, that has the city looming in the background as canvas of their yarn.
This being the first of its kind of book I read, I can't say if it's better or worse than most books of the genre. But the book has enough merits to be adjudged an interesting read, without it being referenced against its peers.