if you had a sixth star. her imitation of little sparrow singing was amazing...and that word is not good enough. factoid. only one other person EVER captured a superstar like that.
i give it up to jamie foxx doing RAY for a comparable performance.
Edith is the French Babe Ruth, MJ, Janis, Nina, Aretha, Judy, Ella, et al, in one person. (France is not as large a country.)
And if your parents ever had a record of Edith Piaf you would know. i played those songs relentlessly for a couple years.
almost took French for it. "I don' regret nothin'" became a mantra. And this one sent Maid Marion's rocket soaring over America and established her career as a super star who pick her spots from then on. If there is a flaw it is tiny one. the story does not match the incredible music. but how could it?
AND i think this frail realife hero married a champion BOXER...i forget history. you will see. watch this movie and put yourself in a world where ....do they even have penicillin? the dangers of living, and hauling your poorself up. French blues herein, hommes et femmes...this is why, or stuff like this, jean seberg left Iowa.
ya know if you only cry one time, you need a soul operation.