"Excellent movie! Haters are left amazed. This film is 100% entertaining, showcasing the next-level work of SRK and Atlee, along with exceptional performances by Vijay Sethupathi and the entire cast."
Now, let's elaborate on the positive feedback for the movie "JAWAN":
1. **Excellent Movie**: This phrase starts the feedback with a strong positive note. It implies that the overall quality of the film is exceptionally good.
2. **Haters are Left Amazed**: This suggests that even those who had negative expectations or opinions about the movie were pleasantly surprised by its quality. It's a common sentiment expressed by fans when a film exceeds their expectations.
3. **100% Entertaining Film**: This indicates that the movie provides non-stop entertainment from start to finish. It's a great compliment for a film, as one of its primary objectives is to entertain the audience.
4. **Next-Level Work of SRK and Atlee**: This part of the feedback highlights the exceptional work done by Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) and the director, Atlee. It suggests that their collaboration has resulted in something extraordinary.
5. **Exceptional Performances by Vijay Sethupathi and the Entire Cast**: This acknowledges the outstanding acting skills of Vijay Sethupathi and the rest of the cast. It's essential to appreciate the entire ensemble for their contributions to the movie's success.
In summary, the feedback for "JAWAN" is overwhelmingly positive, praising the film's entertainment value, the outstanding work of SRK and Atlee, and the remarkable performances of the cast. It also subtly addresses any potential criticism by mentioning that even haters of the movie were impressed, which can add weight to the positive review.