All the positives of the game are as people say looks fabbydo, controls great etc so I won't reiterate. BUT...but but...
Being honest I am 39 years old now and been gaming for 34 of those years so the concept of getting splatted 1 life losing everything and back to the start is very familiar to me (memories of Shadow of the Beast I II and III still elicit rage 25+ years later but ah Amiga I love you still) and honestly great to see something like that in the modern age but tbh my reflexes and reactions aren't what they were, and I don't have the patience for being a second too slow or power cut or three year old daughter distracting me and losing hours of progress. Games I crushed on the C64 and Amiga when I was 12 I can't get through as well now so perhaps if I were younger when I could leave my computer on non-stop and react faster with fewer demands on my attention I would enjoy it more but those days are a-ways behind me so lower rating and if anyone thinks am being unfair well...tough.