I truly loved this movie and the actors in the film. I recognized the character of Mona who played her character remarkably as the religious, alcoholic woman who would not accept Lola and her beautiful self, or her youngest son.
Lola who adored her little brother and worked two jobs, one as an adult dancer and the other as a clerk in a local grocery store.
I was saddened by how many times she was told that she was no good and how hateful and rejected she felt by her mother.
Her relationships are very toxic and she desires for herself and her brother to leave the toxic, unhealthy home.
She moves in with her lovely, strong, caring girlfriend and has the opportunities to get away.
From more trials and tribulations she almost loses all hope, she preserves and recovers from the trauma she suffered.
A beautiful woman, and a wonderful woman this movie showed bravery, courage, and determination to make it!