I am an avid history buff, and regardless of what anyone wants to believe the truth to be in order to feel better about themselves... Truth doesn't care. This film is historically accurate, and well thought out, period. I believe it should be required material for our students in school. What I find most absurd in any of this is how terrible the "professional" reviews are for it, in complete contrast to what you'll find everywhere else. I don't have to care about the personal lives of D'Souza, Trump, or any other public figure to validate their WORK. And good work speaks for itself. This film is not a "drama" for the masses, it is a very educational documentary that is much needed (IMHO) in today's politically charged atmosphere of ignorance. My hat goes off to D'Souza for a well done film, albeit without the choir/singing making it a little too melodramatic for me. Our founding fathers warned us in the beginning about what it would take to destroy this greatest of nations... Ignorance and apathy. I only hope it's not too late.