How in the world can a felon run as president. I'm a felon I can't even vote I cannot be around guns I cannot all my rights have been stripped from me because I am a felon. So how can we put a felon in office that by law cannot own a gun be around a gun much less lead the country of the United States the best country in the whole world is that possible. I don't understand. I am furious being a a felon myself. And we're going to allow a felon to be a leader of our great United States of America impossible please. What's good for the goose is good for the gander there are laws against felons and you have to obey by them are you go back to prison . What makes the law different for him than it does for a regular American citizen I would like to know why can't I vote why can't I carry a gun why can't I run for president because I'm a felon. I'm so aggravated. Even being a felon it's hard to find a job you can't get a job if you're a felon much less run our beautiful wonderful country of the United States of this American it's crazy people listen to me. The rules apply to all. Keep that in mind when you go to the vote. However I won't have the opportunity to make my vote because I'm a felon. Yeah we're going to try to put a felon in our office that's insane folks that's insane. He's rude obnoxious whiny and has a million excuses of it's all fake it's fake everything they're saying gets me is fake. So I guess we can have a felon liar that has don't never tell the truth. I'm just sick of it I'm sick. As I fell in myself this is so unfair unreal. If you are a felon yourself you know what I'm talking about different standards that's all it is not fair at all. Yes I'm mad about it I'm very mad. I just don't know what else to tell you but you just got to think we're putting a felon in the office is that fair. Absolutely not. I'm just over it I can't believe it. What can we do before we can vote for Biden a forefather of this United States. Or a crazy man doesn't know how to tell the truth makes fun of people and tells them what they want to hear and he's mean he's mean mean mean . Thank you so much hope you get this message and understand what I'm trying to let y'all know about being a felon. Thank you.