I did watch the trailer and this is going to be amazing movie. I was surprised not what I thought but it wasn’t. That is watchable what I bought yes when I recommend yes. Do not compare. Just move each other movies. It is what it is, it’s it’s on Musi please.
I have a different take Ethan anybody else so far. The white man against the Asians AI technically. “America” not “United Nations” as the superpower of the near future and have control over so they want to wipe them out so is The big white man coming after Asians didn’t want the Asians to be the superpower that’s why my cake is on it.
OK I don’t want to sound races or anything but my generation is very unlikely that a Chinese, Japanese and or Korean person wouldn’t marry a black person. Sorry, my first boyfriend was black, but my father would’ve killed me why did in black and blue but I’m just saying, I don’t know how this is gonna play overseas because of that not saying it doesn’t happen. Yes, it does happen, but I’m just saying I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this. I’m dictating so it might not come across correctly.