First off it was a well loved experience to finally sit down an live the life in Pandora once again.
I have reviewed the movie as a 4 out of 5 and would give it a rating 8 out of 10 if that was how it was lied out.
This movie like the first was, exiting visually stunning, trigering of emotions relatable to all people, drawing on out brutal past human history and the longing we have deep in our souls to live in a world equally connected to its life source.
The movie did not disapoint.
However there are 2 things to pick up on. The start left me worried as it felt unlike the true story telling of avatar. The story started with the family and wash rushed into war. If more time was spent helping the viwer connect with the new charicters and reconecr with the created world this movie would have overtook the first.
Secondly the connection with the eldest sister and the life source was a fascinating side story, I felt like there was a lacking of exploration on this story.
All in all fantastic, can't wait to see the next one