The writer has somehow tried her best to maligned the RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS of Islam. There might had happened some skirmishes or even the small little differences between our SAHABAS and Ummaha tul Momeneen owing the very basic nature of human being. However, 1 thing is very much loud and clear that none of the Sahabi was living the life giving priority to his personal matter. Priority for our SAHABAS was always the ISLAM and The Holy Prophet PBUH.
The 2nd point, the main culprit to cause division among the muslim was the cursed ABDULLAH IBN E SABAH (may the curses of Allah be upon him), being the self - claimed muslim but actually a JEW who played his full role in piercing the dagger in the back of muslim by his hypocratic actions, where is his role written in this book????.
Finally, a recommendation to READERS TO BE or potential readers (both shia and sunni brothers and sisters), if you want to give it a read, OK. But let me tell you that don't relie on the text of this book. Take it as a material showing the inner garbage of jewish mindset against Islam by beautifully combining self made stories of the Caliphs, Hazrat Ayesha RA and even the Prophet (PBUH) in a manner that 1st it praises the sacred Personalities, than it speak rubbish and terminate again at praising the one.