Shrek is the best movie ever made in history. It's about Steve Harvey's twin Shrek who lives in a swamp and stuff happens and then D O N K E Y appears and says "Shrek, you've got a-." and then gets killed off but gets revived by Super Mario Mario Jumpman from Nintendo's video game series known as the "Mario Series." and when got he back to being alive he says "Nevermind lol m8 XD." and they became friends. Of course their friendship is a metaphor for America's relationship with Africa. After that they save S̶o̶f̶i̶a̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶F̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ Princess Fiona and in the top 10 anime plot twist this being the biggest she turns out to be Dora Márquez from Dora The Explorer so they do the samba and the movie ends. This movie is truly about World War II,The Cold War and The
Vietnam War. Shrek represents America, Donkey represents Africa and Fiona represents GErMaNy. 111111/10 Would watch again. (For real though Shrek is a good movie.)