GARBAGE !!!! COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE !!! If you are looking for a "pretty" "game" , then absolutely this is for you... If you are looking for a simulator, don't waste your time or money... This thing is (like everything else Microsoft) released before it's ready.. Too many bugs, too many faults, and aside from scenery, there is a huge lack of realism. The long loading times, the constant 'updates' which break more of the game than they fix, the flight dynamics are amazing if compared to that paper airplane you made in grade school. The flight planner???? Is that what it is????? Well I guess it's close.. if you want to make your own plan instead.. The FS flightplanner loves to put you into neverending circles, or just add the same waypoint 3 or 4 times so you are zig zagging back and forth.. I have many more complaints about this so-called sim, but with what i paid for the premium deluxe boxed version, why should should i give MSoft or Asobo anymore than they've already sucked out of me. Call me one wiser.. Going back to fs9, X !!!!!