I would have to agree you the textures are very low quality and look like they belong in older versions of Fortnite even more so when you are at the fire station, and killing enemies is too easy on all difficulties at the start of the game, smoke effects are below average from what I have seen in games, lighting is very unrealistic and unreliable in most situations, and weapon pool is extremely unbalanced I have been playing for 5 hours and still haven’t acquired any weapons with stakes other than the shotgun and stake launcher. It’s very frustrating and pisses me off that the loot table is broken and not working as it should. And there is plenty more issues such as mirrors not working properly in this game which is lazy development if you ask me. This redfall is a copycat of multiple games smashed into one with a slightly and I mean tiny slice of original content that being the characters themselves everything else mimics already successful games and it’s disappointing there isn’t even a advanced melee combat system let alone a intelligent ai npcs they don’t search out the player and they are limited to a certain range that is poorly made enemies I expected way smarter ones. Also I have been shot many times now through cover. I got pissed and had to go to another game because I died two hours in because of such. I could go on, but I won’t.