If I was God, and I heard this product was not only being made, not only being promoted, but actually released, then I would invite Satan over to manage the heavens so I could personally eradicate my failure below!
- Experimented on as a child
- His father killed his mother
- Turned into a monster against his will
- Captured by the government
- Experimented on by the government
- Involuntarily killed lot's of people without wanting to
- Lived in hiding from the government for multiple years in a third-world country separated from his loved ones
- Love of his life died
- Unable to commit suicide because the monster within him prevents it
- Got stuck on an alien planet for years
- Got controlled by the monster within him while on that planet
- Pressured to save the world multiple times
- Is a woman
- Gets catcalled by men
"I have so much more experience controlling my anger than you! :<"