I love this genre, and loved this game in the beginning through several expansions, but ever since discovery, this game has really suffered. If you haven noticed, all they do for a "new" ship, is turn one upside down. LAME. They are trying to make to many to fast and have clearly ran dry of any creativvity in that department. Heck, the new Science Command Cruiser literally just dives BACKWARDS -"Look it's a whole new ship... IN REVERSE!" C'mon. And ALL of the "top tier" ships, are all the same. The new "Kirk Class" is just grotesque. You can tell some of the guys over there have just tapped out. And the ground combat engine is TERRIBLE, i mean embarrassingly so. They do do a very good job of trying to integrate "the World" of Start Trek across movies and TV, and different actors that are loved, and new fans and old fans and a lot of the story content is actually still pretty decently written. A TOS episodes arc that just lets you play all the TOS TV episodes would be fun. Or just all the episodes from all the different series. In Game purchases are WAY over priced, but you don't really need to make any to play the game. Admittedly, I have made many a Zen purchase to fuel my Trekkie streak, but honestly, it they want to keep the game alive, or increase revenue stream, they really need to start paying attention. Definate a C+ game, but it's the only game in town.