Jeepers Creepers is a unique and charming horror franchise. The suspense, the mystery, the long burning questions that you gather through the first 3 movies culminates into this dry, 2 dimensional, stale dog ****.
I have never wanted to get a refund so badly in my life (or write a review...)
I don't even think the creators of this movie watched the first 3 movies.
Why wasn't he wet?
Why is he suddenly 5'3?
Who the f is the girl?
What happened to the song?
Why was he a nugget?
What happened to his crab flaps?
This has ruined all the work they've done in the first 3 movies. I wouldnt touch this with a 6ft pole.
I met my wife with the first movie. Our 23 year relationship was built on these movies. And we thought we'd celebrate our anniversary with the new Jeepers Creepers: Reborn. This has now destroyed my marriage with my wife. We argue every day now. I'm scared she'll take my dog, jeepers. It's giving me the creepers. I'm scared she'll take him for keepers.