Did not finish the movie.
The Bad: Mid-tier writing, awful costume choice, poor accent work
The Good: some pretty cinematography moments
There was potential here to be sure, there were some cute moments in the first half but the whole thing very much felt lackluster. Richard Gere (Mr. Putnam) and Hilary Swank (Amelia) didn't interact in more than a professional or maybe friendly manner before suddenly they're together. It would have been nice to see the relationship develop more during the film itself so it didn't feel so abrupt.
The script is.... fine. It's fine and that's the extent of it.
The costuming is decent, though Swank's wig is absolutely atrocious. I'm sure it was intended to capture the wild hair that Earhart had but it was hard to focus on anything else while that mop was on screen.
And finally, the cast. This movie is star-studded, there are so many names that you recognize and think of as good actors that play their roles well. And you know what, most of the time they did a pretty good job. But there's one that stands out. Hillary Swank's Amelia. The acting is passable, but the ACCENT. At the start of the movie I couldn't figure out if she was going for Southern, English, or Appalachian. It was wildly inconsistent and I didn't realize for a full twenty minutes that Swank was attempting to do a trans-atlantic accent. The accent can definitely be hard but the lack of consistency with it made the poor attempts to do it jarring.
All in all these were all things that combines to break my immersion with the movie and eventually were the reason I didn't finish it.
With cinematography derivative of all "adventure" movies and nothing truly redeeming to make the rest of the mid-tier content worthwhile, Amelia wasn't worth the 45 minutes I put into watching. Better off watching Night at the Museum 2 if you're truly despearate for Amelia Earhart content.